The Orion is one of our most versatile street bollards in our range. Robust and Crash Friendly, the Orion is the perfect choice for use with a wide variety of traffic calming measures such as build-outs, zebra crossings and road humps. In addition, The Orion’s sleek and simple construction fits in to any street scene and can effectively be used along pavement to prevent parking on footpaths.
Highlight build-outs and road humps
Pavement build-outs or kerb extensions are designed to improve the visibility of pedestrians and reduce their exposure to motor vehicles. The Orion excels at highlighting traffic calming measures, especially when installed with the TMP ground socket. In the event of the need for replacement, the Orion can be swapped out in seconds.
Prevent parking on pavements
When vehicles park on pavements they are a potential hazard for all road users, especially pedestrians, who may have to step off the pavement onto the highway thus putting themselves in danger. The Orion bollard is a great choice for this application as it delivers a cost-effective physical and visual deterrent.
Highlight new pedestrian crossings
On this scheme the Orion bollard was also used to highlight new crossing points for pedestrians, a job it lends itself to well thanks to its 150mm tall reflective banding, highlighting the crossing point day and night.
Polymer Orion 150 Bollard
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Orion 150 Bollard
Easy installation and a match for the existing street scene
Like the whole range of TMP street bollards, the Orion can be installed with the LockSafeTM ground socket. Using the socket makes installation quick and easy, and if the bollard ever needs to be removed for access or replacement it’s even easier. Simply insert the security key, quarter turn and lift. Just take a look at our video.